New Suffolk Amateur Invitational
08/28/2016On Sunday August 28, 2016, NSUPC members gathered for our "tournament" -- an informal, but quite competitive series of matches. 10 teams of doublettes (20 players total) engaged in the most spirited games of pétanque New Suffolk has ever seen! Nothing but joy, fun, laughter, camaraderie and excitement. Many thanks to Kristan, Yvonne and Renaud for doing a spectacular job with the organization and format. A gourmet pot luck followed the tournament. For everyone, this is an event that we will all treasure in our memories. If you want to join our club, send us a message!
Gold Medal
Michelle Roussan and Stanley Koubek
Silver Medal
The silver medals went to team Kristan Burlingame and Francois de Faymoreau
Bronze Medal
Helene Munson and Renaud Vuaillat
Click here to view the photos on our Flickr gallery!