Bookmark this page and check back often so you don't miss any opportunities to play!
Court Resurfaced and Ready for the Season!June 2024
It has been a busy Spring! Our court got a beautiful face lift and we are ready to start our summer season! Weather permitting we play every day at 4pm. If you are interested contact Michelle Roussan at
Spring is here -- LET'S PLAY!Spring 2023
We had a great winter on the pétanque court and now that spring is here we are ready to teach anyone who wants to learn! If you are interested in learning or if you are an experienced player, contact Michelle Roussan at Everyone is welcome!
(Almost Spring) News From the Petanque CourtMarch 2, 2020
A mild winter has allowed players to enjoy games every week. We want to give special thanks to the late Marge Brockner, mother of our friend Joanne Yacko, for her generous gift. With this fund and the contributions of our players, we restored the playing surface of our court. I also want to thank our club members for responding so generously to our December fundraising drive for the maintenance of our ball field. It is wonderful to see young and old community members playing and enjoying our beautiful green space. The NSCA and the New Suffolk Pétanque Club are committed to help the school with the maintenance of our ball field. Every one can play petanque, it will take 5 minutes for you to learn, so do not hesitate and join the fun. We have excellent players who will be more than happy to coach you. Interested? Stop by when we play (every Wednesday and Sunday at 1pm or contact Michelle Roussan at
Stay tuned for a Spring update in April!
Court Resurfacing is Complete!October 29, 2019
One ton of screenings and a lot of raking later, we have a beautiful new surface to play on!
2019 Pétanque Season Officially Open!May 27, 2019
The pétanque season officially opened yesterday with a delicious potluck and exciting games. Thank you all for coming! Our summer schedule will be as follow (always weather permitting):
Every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY at 4 pm
Stay tuned for additional games.
If you want to join our mailing list please contact Michelle Roussan at -
Our May 26th Fundraiser for the New Suffolk Ball Field Was a Great Success!!!May 30, 2018
Thanks to your generosity, our fund raising for the maintenance of the ball field has been a great success. Thank you so much!
Summer 2018 Schedule of PlaySummer 2018
Starting June 1, our regular scheduled games are on Wednesdays and Sundays at 2pm. Weather permitting, there will be more games during the week, so make sure to join our mailing list to stay informed. Contact Michelle at
Fundraiser for the New Suffolk Ball Field: Saturday May 26th at 2:30PMMay 26, 2018 | 2:30PM
RSVP by Thursday May 24
Help us open the Pétanque season with a bang!
Come and have fun with us on what has been called ‘The New Suffolk Central Park’ and play this traditional game, which is the French version of Bocce. If you cannot come, please consider a donation with a check made to NSCA and mailed to PO Box 642. Please sign up by May 24 at
Pétanque Season Has Started!April 2, 2018
Weather permitting, the 2018 Pétanque season has started. Happy Spring and Happy Summer everyone, looking forward to seeing you on the court. If you need information email Michelle Roussan ( or call 631 521 5375.
A League of Their Own: New Suffolk Falls for PétanqueNovember 21, 2017 | East End Beacon
You’ll be forgiven, for now, if you’ve never heard of a sport called Pétanque. A cousin of bocce ball, the French sport of Pétanque is played all over the world but it hasn’t really had a breakthrough in the continental U.S. New Suffolk resident Michelle Roussan is on a mission to change all that, and she’s inducted a tribe of devotees who make their way to the New Suffolk ball field, every day that weather permits, to spend an afternoon attempting to best their neighbors in a sport that’s every bit about technique and concentration.
2017 Summer Season RecapFall 2017
The New Suffolk petanque club had a great summer. We played every day on our new court, it has been a busy summer! Everyone has improved their game and it has been a lot of fun. Weather permitting, we'll continue to play during the fall and winter season. If anyone is interested in playing, write to us and join our mailing list at
Our New Community Petanque Courts Are Ready!October 31, 2016
Thanks to generous support from our community and a lot of hard work by our volunteers, our new community petanque courts on the New Suffolk Ballfield are a reality... and it's a dream come true!
New Suffolk Amateur Invitational08/28/2016
Our first tournament was a smashing success! A great time was had by all, click here for results and photos!